2018: Red Ventures Year In Review

2018 was a really BIG year at Red Ventures.We’re officially a global brand – with 3,500 teammates in 14 offices (from London to Los Angeles) across 3 continents. We brought L&D to new heights (clocking in 7.2k hours of learning), launched not one but TWO social impact initiatives, broke into brand new industries, and brought back Culture FEST. This time, the guest list included an astronaut, a slew of fire twirlers, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and a very loud DJ.

In sum, we learned, we grew, we gave back, and we had a blast doing it. Here’s a look back at the numbers that made 2018 a championship year at Red Ventures:

Want to see more highlights from 2018? Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@redventures).


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